Vermillion, SD, 57069

Implications of Improved Feed Efficiency

Many industry articles of late in the wake of the criminal misinformation on Lean Finely Textured Beef, LFTB, have focused on the efficiency of the beef industry. This focus has largely been on making the most of what we produce and how the capturing LFTB helps keep beef affordable for all demographics.
In these articles it talks about the efficiency of the United States Beef producer. Amazing facts really like though the US is home to only 7% of the world’s cattle yet we account for 20% of the world’s beef production. The fact that since 1977 we have reduced the amount of feed to produce a pound of beef by 20% and land used for beef production has been reduced by 30%.
As Hoop Beef System customers we are doing our part in taking the next step in improving the efficiency of beef production in the United States. We harvest about 34.4 million head of cattle annually in the US. It takes 129 billion pounds of dry feed with and average feed efficiency 7.5 lbs of feed per one pound of gain. Steak on the Grill! A 15% improvement in feed efficiency would save 19 billion pounds of dry feed annually in our industry! That is enough feed to finish another 6 million head of cattle. Improving the hot carcass yield by 1.5% will yield another 619 million pounds of beef annually. Given the average consumption of 59 pounds of beef per capita in the US,together that would feed another 92.5 million people annually.
As the demand for high quality protein increases worldwide we will need to continue to implement the best technology and designs available to increase the volume of beef we produce with limited resources and do it in the most efficient means possible. Thank you for what you do in feeding the world!
We Got Ya Covered….Don’t track it in the house.

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