The Original Hoop Beef System®
The Original Hoop Beef System® is based on our first building design with continuous improvement. When you think of Hoop Beef System this is the building design you think of first. Using this design cattlemen from 10 states have built systems ranging from 80 to 4000 head of capacity.
When you combine the Hoop Beef System with our patented drover’s alley you have a cattle barn that can be bedded, cleaned, scraped and cattle can be moved all by one person. All this can be done easily and safely without the cattle needing to leave the comfort of the building during these operations.
The Original Hoop Beef System® is the most cost effective, cattle and cattlemen friendly option for cattle feeding on the market today.
The building is 36 feet wide with a 4 ft awning over the feed bunk. We use woodposts and a tongue and groove wood wall on the back of the building. All buildings have a center ridge vent. We use steel endwalls and heavy duty steel rollup doors. We recommend a maximum stocking density of 1 head per running foot of building.
We will work with you to determine the building size that works best for your operation.
Options available include working facilities, load out facilities and concrete walls.
Comfortable for Cattle
- No Wind Chill
- No Frozen Ground
- No Bruised Hooves
- Hair Coats Always Dry
- No Summer Sun
- Venturi effect creates Cooling Air flow with open curtains even in no wind conditions in summer heat.
- No Spoiled Feed
- Feed Bunks Protected from Snow and Rain